February 2006 News
Page updated on February 28, 2006
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.
Have Joan Jett news to report? Email us at jettfc@aol.com, and please include the source of the information so it can be validated.
from: thedinah.com
The Riviera Resort’s Desert Conference Center
(1600 Indian Canyon way)
We are thrilled to bring you a very special Saturday, April 1, 2006 night performance by JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS for our Dinah guests! This concert is limited to the first 700 women to purchase tickets. VIP Weekend Pass holders and VIP Package holders receive priority entrance to this event.
10 p.m. (doors open at 9 p.m.)
VIP Weekend Pass holders $10
Treasure Island Ticket holders $10
I Love Rock and Roll
from: inlamag.com
by Kai Bisby
With nostalgia for the '80s at an all-time high (just tune in to VH1), some of the timeless songs of that era have been wrapped up in a tidy bundle of love in the new rock musical Rock of Ages, at the ever-appropriate venue The Vanguard (6021 Hollywood Blvd.) running through Feb. 18. Set in the 1980s rock mecca known as the Sunset Strip, audiences can expect to be transported back to moments in their lives with such iconic songs as "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" (Pat Benatar), "Can't Fight This Feeling" (REO Speedwagon), "I Wanna Rock" (Twisted Sister), "I Hate Myself for Loving You" (JOAN JETT), "Harden My Heart" (Quarterflash), and "Oh Sherrie" (Steve Perry). With a lineup like this, heartstrings and memory chords are sure to be struck. "It's a fun '80s romp and I think it pokes fun and embraces some of your favorite guilty pleasure songs from the '80s," says out actor Tom Lenk, a member of the ensemble cast recreating the genre. Lenk, who is remembered from his role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and has currently been starring in Amy and David Sedaris' hit play, The Book of Liz, is playing a character that is based on one he created in his sketch comedy group Strangely Attractive. "My character is part of a German conglomerate that wants to take over the Sunset Strip and clean it up," he explains. "I am not the serious character of the show É It's hard to sing a Pat Benatar song seriously with a German accent." He goes on to explain that this show stands out from the usual nostalgic fare: "You have Mamma Mia!, We Will Rock You, and the Billy Joel show É but I think this one is a little more fun because we were not stuck with one artist's song book." Lenk is joined on stage by an incredible cast including Laura Bell Bundy (Hairspray, Wicked), Dan Finnerty (The Dan Band), Kyle Gass (Tenacious D), and Chris Hardwick (Singled Out, House of 1000 Corpses). While there are rumors that some of the artists whose songs are highlighted may be coming to see the show during its run, Lenk insists that they had nothing to do with the story or characters. And when it comes to the story, he says that they do not take themselves too seriously: "We are not trying to do Shakespeare here." This show is sure to hit Vegas, so check it out now in Los Angeles (where it all began) while you can. For tickets and information, call (800) 595-4TIX, or visit www.rockofagesmusical.com.
Lisa King, 1960 — 2006
from: baywindows.com
by Laura Kiritsy
Slam poet remembered for her caustic wit, on-stage brilliance
Oft-used adjectives to describe Lisa King, by those who knew her, onstage and off: Fierce. Honest. Sensitive. Charismatic. Butch.
"She was this older, tough-guy, punk, butch dyke that was like, so cool," says Aliza Shapiro of Truth Serum Productions, who got to know King in the early 1990s. "And I either wanted to sleep with her or be like her." [more]
Vegan with a Vengeance
from: theppk.com
Vegan with a Vengeance is in stores now! Over a hundred and fifty truly inspired, decadent, creative recipes all without the help of any store bought meat analogs. Maybe it’s a little conceited to call my own recipes truly inspired but really. They are.
You can purchase it on Amazon or, if you hate the man, at Powell's. Of course it's a few bucks cheaper on Amazon.
Most importantly, there is a quote from JOAN JETT on the back cover so if that doesn't convince you I really don't know what will.
Little Steven Earns Big Ratings
from: shorefire.com
Little Steven's Underground Garage Audience Surges By 25% To Over One Million In North America
Biggest National Audience Yet Adds To Banner Year For Rock and Roll Crusader
Little Steven's Underground Garage now reaches over one million listeners weekly in North America, according to the newest ratings released last week by Arbitron. The blockbuster syndicated radio show posted a dramatic gain in listenership, notching a 25% audience increase since last fall. This year, the show reached a milestone, airing in all top ten US markets and 19 of the top 20. It is the most successful syndicated music program on the air right now. [more]
Rise Against Get Warped Rise Against, JOAN JETT, Thursday confirmed for Warped Tour.
from: netmusiccountdown.com
by Krista Desens
CHICAGO, IL Wednesday Feb.15.2006 /netmusiccountdown.com/ -- Chicago punk band Rise Against is hitting the road this summer with the Vans Warped Tour 2006.
Rise Against joins a lineup that also includes JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS and Thursday.
Bands and venues are still being added to the Warped Tour, but some of the other acts already confirmed include NOFX, From First To Last, Motion City Soundtrack, Anti-Flag, Underoath, Against Me!, Armor For Sleep, The Bouncing, Aiden, Riverboat Gamblers, Valiant Thorr, Less Than Jake, hellogoodbye, Everytime I Die, The Acadamy Is, and Greely Estates.
For more information about the Warped Tour, check out www.WarpedTour.com.
JOAN JETT to headline Mega Bash 2006 in May
from: Point Pleasant Register
by Kevin Kelly
GALLIPOLIS, Ohio - Rock and roll headliners JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS will be the main entertainment for Mega Bash 2006, the fund-raiser for the Children's Center of Ohio to be staged at the Gallia County Junior Fairgrounds May 26-27.
Jett, referred to by some critics as "the queen of punk," is the national recording artist promised for the event by its organizers, who are looking to use the proceeds from Megabash to help build a school for children served by the Children's Center of Ohio, improve its existing programs and update its facilities.
The Children's Center of Ohio is a 24-hour residential treatment facility caring for boys and girls in a variety of crisis situations, according to the center's Web site. [more]
Rock the Line
from: nypress.com
Rock the Line, Kathleen Warnock’s latest play, is loosely-based, she says, on her own experiences as a young hardcore JOAN JETT fan. It focuses on a group of friends who meet outside a club before a show. Think of it as a kind of Heavy Metal Parking Lot, but with characters who are a bit more insightful.
Emerging Artists Theatre, 311 W. 43rd St., 5th Floor, (betw. 8th & 9th Aves.), 212-247-2429; 7, check with theater for dates and ticket prices.
SUPER BOWL SCOOP: Grosse Pointers report Paris sightings
from: freep.com
by Julie Hinds, Free Press Columnist
photo courtesy of wireimage.com
Cory Redding, left, Shaun Rogers, Southwest ground crew member Kevin Glenn and Boss Bailey were the welcome crew for a planeful of NFL families and staff Thursday at Metro Airport. (ELLEN CREAGER/Detroit Free Press)
Where in the 'burbs is Paris Hilton?
Rumors ran rampant Friday in Grosse Pointe that the paparazzi-posing socialite was spotted at Talbots (not true) and that Hickey's Walton-Pierce shut down so Paris and her sister, Nicky, could shop in peace (also nope).
And some said she supped at the Hill Seafood and Chop House. Again, no dice. The restaurant's manager hadn't heard that one yet. [more]
Scripps Howard's Celebrity Super Bowl Poll
from: KnoxNews.com
by David Nielsen
photo courtesy of wireimage.com
Scripps Howard's Celebrity Super Bowl Poll
It's that time of year again - time for the annual gridiron spectacle. No, not the Super Bowl, but the 17th annual Scripps Howard Celebrity Super Bowl Poll. The rich and famous from movies, TV, sports, politics and pop culture predict the winner of Sunday's Super Bowl.
The celebrity who picks the winning team and comes closest to predicting the final score wins the Scripps Howard Super Sage Award trophy.
JOAN JETT, rock star: Pittsburgh, 31-14. Because I was born in Pennsylvania. I lived in Pittsburgh until I was six. Go Steelers! [more]
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