June 2004 News
Page updated on June 30, 2004
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.
Have Joan Jett news to report? Email us at jettfc@aol.com, and please include the source of the information so it can be validated.
NO SIGNS OF JETT LAG: JOAN JETT plays Taste of the Quad-Cities
from: Sean Moeller
JOAN JETT has always carried with her a reputation of being wild and nasty. She falls in line somewhere between the girl next door and the girl interrupted.
Her jagged spikes of punk black hair and the tattoos wrapping around her left bicep are outwardly visual signs of her inner coiling. She's dangerous, they warn you. Approach cautiously, but only if necessary. But then she has the forbidden allure of the woman who can't be bothered with her beauty. She's a zesty, rock 'n' roll knockout at an age (politely undisclosed) when the rock and the look have, for most women, been subdued or unkindly disrupted by everything else that happens when college life backs into the real thing.
She has never had any misgivings about being jawbreaker-tough and still being a woman for everything it's worth. She speaks her mind politically, has been a member of the unofficial "boy's club" since she released "Bad Reputation" on her own BLACKHEART RECORDS in 1977 and has never felt the need to cater to the predestined order of things. [more]
from: Paula Heerdink
Paula Heerdink took some photos of JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS at their June 17th show in Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Check them out in the Galleries section!
If you have a review or photos of a JOAN JETT concert, send an email (including your name, the city, venue and date of the show) to jettfc@aol.com
from: Sean Cortinovis
Sean Cortinovis took some photos of JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS at their June 6th show in Brea, CA.
Check them out in the Galleries section!
If you have a review or photos of a JOAN JETT concert, send an email (including your name, the city, venue and date of the show) to jettfc@aol.com
I Love Myself For Loving Rock And Roll
from: worldsgreatestcritic.com
These "Free Concerts", man! You pay for 'em! Whether it's sitting through the Raffle of a Joe DiMaggio Poster signed by every player but Joe DiMaggio, or the constant letting-by of every third person with a saved seat and a thirst for Wine-Coolers, or the necessity for arriving dawn-of-time early to make sure you're not the first jackass hanging from a tree six blocks away hoping for a glimpse of the Jumbotron, Free Concerts aren't free! And I really mean that part about everyone bumping by you. I had more Tyler Durden Ass-Or-Crotch moments than I care to imagine. Look, if you're a fifty-five year old grandpa there's no need for Low-Rise jeans and a Half-Shirt, is there? Really?
I bitch like a Hush-Puppy without a Milkbone, but here's my point: JOAN JETT was totally worth it! It's 2004 and she looks, sounds, plays and sings better than ever, and you can take that from a guy who saw her in Concert twice, once in the late 80's and once in the Early Nineties! If anything, JOAN JETT has improved with Age, and is able to deliver one of the best rock shows out there.
Picture this, I (and Frank Harvey) arrived at Summerfest Brea in anticipation of something similar to Jett's previous tours. After a few minutes of waiting (yes, this seat is saved) the sound check began. It appeared to be driven by this cute 19-year-old girl with short black hair, a muscle shirt and Cargo Pants over black Chuck Taylors. When she slung on a beaten guitar that hung almost all the way down to her knees and approached the microphone with a signature "OW!" that's when we all realized... this was JOAN JETT, still looking 19! Joan and the latest incarnation of The BLACKHEARTS acted essentially as their own opening band handling the sound check themselves, not with a couple of hoots-and-hollers, but by playing actual full length songs (five of them by my count). Incredible. [more]
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