December 2003 News
Page updated on December 31, 2003
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.
Have Joan Jett news to report? Email us at jettfc@aol.com, and please include the source of the information so it can be validated.
JOAN JETT a Howard Dean Delegate
As you may have read, JOAN JETT is running as a candidate to be a convention delegate from New York. Joan is a staunch supporter for Governor Howard Dean. If you are a registered Democrat voter in Congressional District 4( Carolyn McCarthy's disctrict) or in NY State that wants to push Joan forward, call Jim McKague at 516-766-7874. [more]
The Sweet Life
"The Sweet Life" won Best Romantic Comedy at the New York Independent International Film and Video Festival.
Cool Jett Merchadise
Anyone looking for a cool Christmas gift for a fellow Jetthead (or for themselves) can go to the People For The American Way Auction. Not only can you get some cool Joan stuff, but you will be helping a great cause!
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson's
from: NY Post
It was a star-studded affair at the Waldorf, and the boldfacers showed up in droves for the "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Cure Parkinson's" benefit for the Foundation for Parkinson's Research. Actor Michael J. Fox (center), here with "The Sopranos" James Gandolfini and rocker JOAN JETT, established the foundation and has worked tirelessly to raise funds since letting fans know he had been diagnosed with the disease.
B 107.3 w/JOAN JETT!
from: B 107.3
byline goes here (remove this line if there is none)
Clockwise from JOAN JETT: Theresa (promo goddess), Gina, Jay, Dave Donovan, Jimmy James, Paulette, Brian George, Wendy, Kirsten Rei
Rocker JOAN JETT a Howard Dean Delegate
from: The Associated Press
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Does Howard Dean love rock 'n' roll? He'd better or he may hear from one of his potential national convention delegates.
A slate of convention delegate candidates from New York made public by the Dean presidential campaign includes JOAN JETT, whose 1981 song with the BLACKHEARTS "I Love Rock-n-Roll" has become a rock anthem.
"This whole process intrigues me," Jett said. "I'm stepping into new territory. It's very exciting."
If she is elected during New York's March 2 presidential primary, Jett would go to the Democratic National Convention next summer as a Dean delegate.
Jett, 43, said she agrees with Dean's stance against the war in Iraq, though she is a champion of members of the U.S. military.
from: Bob Mandoki
Bob Mandoki took some photos of JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS in Japan.
Check them out in the Galleries section!
If you have a review or photos of a JOAN JETT concert, send an email (including your name, the city, venue and date of the show) to jettfc@aol.com
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