July 2003 News
Page updated on July 31, 2003
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.
Have Joan Jett news to report? Email us at jettfc@aol.com, and please include the source of the information so it can be validated.
from: CentralCoastTeens.com
Love is all around! I know that's the title of one of Joan's many hits, but it's also what I thought to myself as I looked into the packed Headliner Stage Arena for the first of two standing room only shows by Jett and her band The BLACKHEARTS. One couldn't help but notice the many age groups present, from pre teens, twenty and thirty some-things and beyond, all co mingling together in what proved that all generations do have something in common: the love of great Rock n Roll!
Operation Paso Robles
from: Jetlag
Timing is everything. Take the three-minute egg, for example. Undercook it and you'll have to drink it with a straw; overcook and you can bounce it off the wall like silly putty. Timing is extremely crucial, as well, when one plans on attending a JOAN JETT gig with general admission seating - timing and strategy, since the gig in question was not going to be just another JOAN JETT show; it was going to be a doubleheader! And so, with the Paso Robles, California, concert date fast approaching, west coast Jettheads began a series of secret communiqués with only one goal in mind, securing the front row seats for the most loyal of all jettheads, the message board fanatics! Using cryptic identification tags like Sacto grrrl, Brettjett, and KJGJett, we communicated stealthily by way of the board, asking and answering vaguely coded questions like,
"Who's going to Paso Robles?"
And, "Where do ya want to meet?" [more]
Jett lands at BayFest
from: Star Bulletin
She's rightly called the godmother of punk, a mid-1970s leather-clad teenager in a "jailbait" Los Angeles band called The RUNAWAYS and, for years afterward, leader of the BLACKHEARTS and a rock 'n' roll icon to male and female fans alike.
He's the godfather of bubblegum rock of the 1960s, a historical figure who's worked both American coasts as a songwriter and producer -- from the Brill Building in New York to the sunny climes of Los Angeles. Now, KENNY LAGUNA is the manager, on-stage sideman and the only regular record producer JOAN JETT has ever worked with.
Together, they're tight friends and comrades-in-music, so alike in their passion for rock 'n' roll that talking to Laguna is the next best thing to talking to the woman herself, who's notoriously press-shy. [more]
Peri Laguna
KENNY LAGUNA's niece, Peri Laguna was killed in a car accident this past weekend July 4th weekend. She was 14 years old. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the Laguna family.
Oroville Rocks
from: Jettlag
If you live in the Northwest and you want to rock out to JOAN JETT, live and in person that is, it can only mean one thing - road trip! July 3rd provided that opportunity to get up close and personal with our beloved Joan, so hopping into my brand- new, used car, I, and travel companion, Jettkev, hit the open hi-way and headed south. Two bags of chips, numerous caffeine-laden soft drinks, four pit stops, and eight hours later, we pulled into Oroville, California, ready to do some serious rocking.
It was hot, frying eggs on the sidewalk hot, in that dusty California community, but when JOAN JETT and her stalwart crew of BLACKHEARTS hit the stage at the Feather Falls Casino, well, lets just say things really heated up! The place was packed to begin with and as Joan sprang to the stage and busted into "Victim of Circumstance", the faithful made their way immediately up to the stage and stayed there, packed together with barely room to breath, for the duration of the show. After a moment's hesitation to see if the security guards were actually going to get off their butts, grab their mace and riot gear, and move the crowd back, we to proceeded up to the stage as well. Unfortunately that moment of weak hesitation cost Jettkev and I the coveted spot at center stage before the great one herself, but still we were up against the stage in front of the BLACKHEARTS' new and somewhat mysterious bass player, Sammy, and we remained there for ninety minutes of kick-ass, heart-thumping, ear-blasting rock-n-roll!
Joan, well Joan, did what she does best - she rocked that joint! I could tell you what she was wearing but you guys know her uniform by now, and I could tell you the set list, but you guys already know that, too. What I will tell you is that she seemed to be having a blast herself! You know she likes to work up a sweat and by the third number, "Light of Day", the sweat was rolling down her well-buffed body! The fans were sweating as well, bumping and grinding, dancing and screaming their heads off, and at some point the sardines in front of Joan got to share a little of her perspiration as well as a little conversation as Joan chatted with the frenzied fans between numbers and really made the entire concert a very personal experience. [more]
Jett lands at BayFest
from: Honolulu Star-Bulletin
She's rightly called the godmother of punk, a mid-1970s leather-clad teenager in a "jailbait" Los Angeles band called The RUNAWAYS and, for years afterward, leader of the BLACKHEARTS and a rock 'n' roll icon to male and female fans alike.
He's the godfather of bubblegum rock of the 1960s, a historical figure who's worked both American coasts as a songwriter and producer -- from the Brill Building in New York to the sunny climes of Los Angeles. Now, KENNY LAGUNA is the manager, on-stage sideman and the only regular record producer JOAN JETT has ever worked with.
Together, they're tight friends and comrades-in-music, so alike in their passion for rock 'n' roll that talking to Laguna is the next best thing to talking to the woman herself, who's notoriously press-shy. [more]
from: Denise Sowers
Denise Sowers took some photos of JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS at their June 23rd show in Tuscon, AZ.
Check them out in the Galleries section!
If you have a review or photos of a JOAN JETT concert, send an email (including your name, the city, venue and date of the show) to jettfc@aol.com
JOAN JETT at Camden Yards
from: Keith Grunow
JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS came out ready to play for the crowd. I honestly don't feel that her appearence was promoted as well as it could have been, but the crowd that was there was ready, willing and able to make some noise.
Joan opened with "Cherry Bomb" and got he crowd screaming with excitement. Her energy, and love of live performance was very apparent. Joan interacted with the crowd as if they were old friends. I also sensed that the BLACKHEARTS were having a great time playing to such a supportive audience. Joan REALLY got the crowd going with "Do Ya Wanna Touch", by encouraging everyone to join in with "Yeah-Oh Yeah" !
From that point on, Joan had the Baltimore crowd in the palm of her hand. Joan has taken the idea of "live performance" to another new level. Let's face it gang, if the performer isn't enjoying what they are doing, the audience never will either. I really look forward to next time that I get to see Joan perform live again.
JOAN JETT in Women Who Rock
from: Women Who Rock
The July/August issue of WOMEN WHO ROCK Magazine celebrates 50 Essentials ... the Women who ROCKED the WORLD!
On the list, of course, is "Runaway Success," JOAN JETT!
So who else made the cut?
Pick up this Special Collector's Edition to find out.
JOAN JETT at Camden Yards
from: Various Contributors
Please click the photos above to see more photos of Joan at Camden Yards.
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