Novemember 2000 News
Page updated on Novemember 30, 2000
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.
Have Joan Jett news to report? Email us at jettfc@aol.com, and please include the source of the information so it can be validated.
Jett the Good Times Roll
from: ew.com
by Tom Sinclair
JOAN JETT joins the cast of Broadway's ''Rocky Horror'' revival. She keeps a low profile in the music biz, but she still loves rock & roll [more]
La Dolce Musto
from: villiagevoice.com
by Michael Musto
The Rocky Horror Show, while still fabulously sick, seems almost quaint now—practically a Noel Coward play. When the original Broadway version opened in the '70s, the blue-haired matinee ladies thought it was way too much, even though they looked a bit like Frank 'n' Furter themselves. But now that Charles Busch is on broadway (with the very same freakazoid-liberates-repressed-couple plot) and drag queens are flouncing all over the tube, the time is right for this Rent via Dame Edna by way of Cabaret extrava-gorgonzola. It's a gay Grease!—which I guess would make it Crisco!—and so layered that now the audience's interactive comments get comments back from the cast. (For the family crowd, narrator Dick Cavett even keeps telling us how shocking it all is.) I was enthralled, though I must disclose that the Voice porn-ad pages are used as an audience prop.
The cast is a Hollywood Squares of wondrous oddities, but naturally I'm most drawn to that human dynamo of comic invention and scat singing Lea DeLaria, who effortlessly plays two male roles—Eddie and Dr. Scott. Lea's last Broadway outing, On the Town, fell off the map quickly last year, but over a preshow snack at Ruby Foo's, she told me that Rocky feels like a hit—"and I've never been in a hit before. Usually you put me in and it's instant close!" The Rocky high is extra sweet for Lea because she worshiped at the throne of the cult movie version, which she said "really helped me be gay. To see something like that in the Midwest was a big eye-opener. We had no role models. Dr. Smith in Lost in Space was the closest thing to a gay character on TV. He was so faggy! You could tell he was gay because every time Will Robinson bent over, the robot would say, 'Danger, Will Robinson!' "
Lea herself pushed things forward in the '80s by being an out comic whose mantra was "I'm a big dyke!" Does she ever regret that saucy stance? No, she said, "it gets me laid and it hasn't hurt my career. You get put in a box, but everybody does. And I'm not boxed here at all." In fact, in the last few years, she's played three men, several lesbians, and even a straight woman. [more]
'Rocky Horror' Naughty & Nice
from: nydailynews.com
The kinky cult musical is back, and the only shock is that it's such sweet fun THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW. Musical with book, music and lyrics by Richard O'Brien. With Alice Ripley, Jarrod Emick, Dick Cavett, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Lea DeLaria, Raul Esparza, JOAN JETT, Tom Hewitt and others. Directed by Christopher Ashley. Sets by David Rockwell. Choreography by Jerry Mitchell. At the Circle in the Square, (212) 239-6200. Tickets: $30 to $79.50. [more]
`The Rocky Horror Show' Returns
from: The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) - Pass the glitter, rice, confetti, fishnet stockings and spiky high heels, size 10 1/2 EEE.
"The Rocky Horror Show,'' the world's favorite sci-fi, transvestite rock musical, is back in town. No, not the movie. The OTHER "Rocky Horror Show'' - the one nobody knows.
Bear with me, folks. This will take some explaining. We are talking about the stage version, the live-action model that was a London hit in 1973, a flop in New York two years later and is now being revived at Broadway's Circle in the Square. [more]
Rocky Horror Live Website
from: JoanJett.com
The official Rocky Horror Website is located at www.rockyhorrorlive.com.
Will 'Rocky Horror' rock Broadway?
from: Associated Press
by Sharon L. Crenson
New York — Break out the fishnet stockings and rubber gloves!
"The Rocky Horror Show" is about to open at Circle in the Square, and the sci-fi rock musical can only be fun if middle-aged, middle-Americans leave their middle-class sensibilities at home.
Based on the hugely popular movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," which in turn was based on a stage show, the revival features a garter-clad transvestite known as Dr. Frank N. Furter eyes heavily shadowed in blue. He's joined by an eerie crew including Riff Raff and Magenta, a ghoulish brother-sister pair who plot Frank's demise, and Columbia, known by her gold-lame tails and black Mary Janes. [more]
Doing the Time Warp: '80s Singers Populate Millennial Broadway
from: foxnews.com
by Christina Nunez
NEW YORK — A couple of Broadway shows recently faced a casting quandary: Where to find someone who can be scary, comfortable in lots of makeup and sing well at the same time? In the rock and pop pantheon of the '80s, of course.
How else to explain rockers of yore JOAN JETT and Sebastian Bach appearing on Broadway this year?
Though Jett's name is more likely to evoke the crunchy guitars and chorus of "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" than a rising curtain and an ensemble cast, she is nonetheless appearing as Columbia in the stage version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, opening Nov. 15. [more]
Jett-Propelled Broadway Debut Joan adds edge to "Rocky Horror" revival
from: NY Daily News
by Emily Jenkins
"Don't dream it — be it."
The main theme of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" was something that really resonated with JOAN JETT.
"You can create the life that you want," she says of the movie's message. "Not just talk about, but do it." [more]
Rocky Horror Showtimes
from: JoanJett.com
JOAN JETT is appearing on Broadway in the revival of Rocky Horror. Showtimes are Monday thru Friday 8pm, Saturday 5pm and 9:45pm, Sunday 2pm and 7pm
VH1 Top 40 Hard Rock Videos of All Time
from: VH1.com
Type: Music Special / Heavy Metal
Duration: 2 hr
Description: Forty hard-rock videos, including selections from Metallica, Judas Priest and JOAN JETT.
Parental Rating: TV-PG
Airing: Sat 11/11/00 5:00pm VH1
Sat 11/11/00 11:00pm VH1
Thu 11/16/00 1:30am VH1
Fri 11/17/00 2:00pm VH1
Jett, Cavett rock on Broadway THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW
from: Timesdispatch.com
So what if it flopped the first time? [more]
Joan in the New York Times
from: JoanJett.com
In the Sunday, November 5, 2000 New York Times, JOAN JETT is immortalized in a singular way when she appears in a HERSHFIELD DRAWING on page 5 of the arts and leisure section , with cast members dick cavett, tom hewitt and daphne rubin vega from her hit broadway show, the rocky horror show. Joan joins the biggest stars of all time, everyone from bing crosby to charlie chaplin, drawn by the 95 year old king of all cartoonists.
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