Joan Jett and The Blackhearts Bad Reputation Nation
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Ted Nugent is hell-bent on saying the dumbest things possible. He's succeeded again.

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Musician Ted Nugent is a man with opinions, and there aren't enough grains of salt on Earth to take them all with. His latest nugget of "wisdom" involves rock icon JOAN JETT and a twelve-year-old Rolling Stone article.

But first, here is just a tiny sampling of Nugent's other insights:
Donald Trump was "sent here by God. Just like our founding fathers were touched by divine intervention."
Vegans are "responsible for the most death possible."
He once called Barak Obama a "communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel."

Nugent chose an odd target for his latest bit of ire: This list of music critic David Fricke's picks of the 100 greatest guitar players, published by Rolling Stone in 2010.

Coming in at number 87 on Fricke's countdown is JOAN JETT, of whom he wrote: "Lead guitarists gave rock its icons; rhythm players gave it soul. The line runs from Eddie Cochran to Pete Townshend to Johnny Ramone, a lineage in which JOAN JETT should not be taken lightly. In the early RUNAWAYS and the later BLACKHEARTS, she played it straight ahead: No frills, all heart, no f**king around."

Here's Nugent's hot take via YouTube, twelve years after the fact: "When you see the Rolling Stone magazine list of greatest guitar players, they list JOAN JETT but not Tommy Shaw.

"How do you list the top 100 guitar players and not list Derek St. Holmes? How do you do that? You do that by lying. The same way you get Grandmaster Flash in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You do that by lying. You have to be a liar. You have to have sh*t for brains and you have to be a soulless, soulless prick to put JOAN JETT... [I] love Joan. Some of my greatest memories include lesbians. I love the lesbians; it's a cocktail of wonderment.

"By the way, if Grandmaster Flash is in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame and JOAN JETT is on the list of top 100 guitar players, then I'm Caitlyn Jenner's boy toy."

Whether or not you agree with Jett's inclusion on Frinke's list (and we can't help but note that Rolling Stone put out another top-100 list five years later by a panel of experts that does not include her), Nugent's messaging sure is in line with him finding the worst possible way of communicating.

Jett, who has three gold records and has been described as the "Queen of Rock 'n Roll," has never explicitly come out as queer. However, when the New York Times asked in 2018 for her response to an LGBTQ film festival dropping a documentary about her because she wasn't "out" she said:

"They don't want the movie there because I don't declare? [Holding up her necklace of a labrys] What the [expletive] is that? Two labryses, or axes, crossing each other, inside of two women's symbols crossing each other. It's not been off since I got it. And I wear this one every day. [She turns around, lifts her shirt and reveals a tattoo with similar female symbols on her lower back.] I don't know how much more you can declare."

We'll leave you with Jett and Miley Cyrus performing together at the Super Bowl TikTok Tailgate last year:

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