Joan Jett and The Blackhearts Bad Reputation Nation
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low resolution image Not Enlargeable Over the years JOAN JETT has earned herself a Bad Reputation as the undisputed queen of punk rock. She's also become the true icon to so many girls growing up with dreams of being a rock n' roller and yet she still continually fights everyday to earn respect in the music industry. Throughout the years JOAN JETT has continually been judged and criticized by the media for her antics as a real wild child and for being an out of control punk, to her current sexual preference. But through it all she's made it in the rock world because of her stellar music and her fans appreciation for what she's accomplished. "I Love Rock N' Roll" thanks to people like JOAN JETT, because they've not only helped in creating the soundtrack to my life but at the same time have influenced me to go after my dreams and to not let anyone get in my way. I had the opportunity to interview JOAN JETT while she was performing on this year's Warped Tour and I got the same sort of vibe from her that I did when I interviewed Lemmy of Motorhead. It's the feeling of a very humble, passionate, and confident person who is proud of her accomplishments and is now content with enjoying the finer things in life like playing rock music to her thousands of fans without a worry in the world.

Big Wheel: How's Warped Tour been for you? Are you finding it hard to fit in with the Warped Tour crowd seeing as how most them weren't even born when "I Love Rock N' Roll" came out?
JOAN JETT: Warped Tour has been a blast! The kids seem to respond really well to it. You'd almost never know that some of them weren't even born back then. They've been really welcoming and accepting of the band and all the other bands on Warped have just been really awesome to us as well.

BW: How was it playing alongside The Germs? Did you ever think you'd see them play again without Darby?
JOAN JETT: No I definitely did not. Though, I thought they were still great and were very tight. I think Shane did an excellent job of filling in for Darby as well. I felt that he really kind of channeled Darby, because if your going to do this you got to be the best and I think Shane did about as good as anybody could do of filling his shoes. I was really looking forward to seeing all of them as well because it had been so long since I had spoken to any of them, and it was like a reunion of sorts.

BW: I have to be honest with you Joan. I'm very skeptical when an older rock or punk act like yourself comes out with a new record, but I've got to say it was really good. I was especially impressed with the whole sound of the record it sounds like it could've easily been something that you recorded back in the '80s.
JOAN JETT: Thanks, and I understand you being skeptical because I know I sure am whenever I hear about these bands that I grew up listening to are putting out something new. It's totally understandable.

BW: How have you been able to keep that classic JOAN JETT sound after all these years?
JOAN JETT: I think because I never really stopped. People might not be aware of it, because certainly I don't think all of my fans are hardcore fans, and plus the hardcore fans always seem to know what I'm doing before I even do it, but I've always toured. I've never stopped performing and touring the country. Regardless, of whether we have a new record or not were always on the road, which I think, keeps me in shape and up to speed with things. Also, two months ago I did the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Broadway and I think working with those actors I learned how to sing differently. I also started to do more vocal exercises and just learned a lot of cool little tricks to keep my voice strong, which I think really helped me to sing better.

BW: Why did you re-record songs like "Fetish" and "Baby Blue" for the SINNER album?
JOAN JETT: We actually didn't re-record them, they are the same tracks that were originally on the Fetish record, but certain ones we did re-record it depended mainly on the vibe of the record. Certain ones we would often do live and they started to change a bit from the original sound on the record so we wanted to re-record them. We put "Fetish" on this record because it never really came out as a commercial release when it first came out, it was released as a college radio track, because it used to be that college radio wouldn't play a track unless it was released on an album. So I basically made an album around "Fetish" to get it played on college radio, but it was something only the real fans had. You just couldn't walk into Tower records and buy it.

BW: Is the song "Androgynous" about a hermaphrodite? If so, where did you come up with the concept for that song?
JOAN JETT: Well actually it's a really old Replacements song. It was actually written by Paul Westerberg and I think it's on the Let it Be album. I don't really know what he wrote it about, but I don't think it was a hermaphrodite. For me I thought his version was so sweet and innocent, and I think it represents this—I know I'm a woman and I love being a woman and I embrace it, but I don't embrace the roles that people have carved out that a woman could be. Personally, I'm more comfortable in boy's clothes because they don't make good girls clothes and they don't make them strong. I guess you can say that I like to blur the lines a bit, and that is what androgynous means to me, it's saying that we both have male and female within us and to embrace those energies.

BW: How do you feel about being a role model to so many young girls out there?
JOAN JETT: I think it's very humbling, and a real honor when people say that to you. And a lot of girls do come up to me and say that, it's very inspiring. Cause I never really had someone to look up to in that sense when I was growing up. I just want all these girls to know that they can do it and it's hard to put into words what it really means to me, but it really does mean a lot.

BW: What can we expect from this upcoming JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS Tour?
JOAN JETT: You can expect much longer sets first of all. We're gonna be taking out Eagles Of Death Metal and hopefully Throw Rag and Valiant Thorr as well. It's going to be starting in October and into late November, and we will definitely be playing a lot of new and old material so it should be really great!

BW: What are some of your new favorite bands?
JOAN JETT: Oh god it's so hard being on the Warped Tour, I can honestly say that I haven't seen a band that sucks yet. I've got my little BMX and I just go crazy riding around from one stage to the next checking out all these great new acts. Mostly, though I would have to say Anti-Flag, The Casualties, Bouncing Souls, and NOFX are some of my personal favorites. Oh and of course Against Me! I absolutely love that band.

BW: After all these years of being a rock'n'roll icon, what would you say is the most important thing you've learned as a musician and what kind of advice would you offer to those new bands trying to make it in the industry?
JOAN JETT: I think that's simple, just work hard. Especially, nowadays with all the reality TV shows it gives the impression to a lot of kids that being a musician is easy and that its easy to become famous, which is a very dangerous way to look at it. Being a musician is a very respected position in life and it takes a lot of work, especially if you want to do it for a living. Cause you're going to take a lot of shit from people, because they aren't going to believe in you and it's up to you to work hard and go after your dreams.

BW: What are you hoping to accomplish with the rest of your career?
JOAN JETT: Well I think its been great playing the Warped Tour and its been a really great experience and I think now I'm just looking to go out and have a good time with the rest of my career. The biggest thing for me is playing live, I love it! I love being on stage and making a connection with someone through your music it's just something you can't even put into words. It's those moments that I cherish the most about my career and I think that's what rock'n'roll is really all about.

BW: Any interest in a RUNAWAYS reunion?
JOAN JETT: I don't know, I mean would you be interested in seeing a reunion?

BW: Honestly, probably not. I would at least be pretty skeptical about it but I know there have been some rumors about it.
JOAN JETT: [laughs] Well I'm glad you feel that way. Cause' I'm not really big into reunions. I mean with The RUNAWAYS especially it's not like we can be sixteen again singing our little rock songs. The fact that we were all teenagers was part of the whole deal and to do that again now, and I know what would happen if we got back together the headlines would say something like: "Middle Aged Women Trying to Recapture Their Youth" [laughs]. I'd rather just leave it where it is, then to end up dragging our names in the dirt.

BW: Now for my last question, what is your number one pet peeve?
JOAN JETT: Being late. I'm always on time and I hate it when people are late.

BW: Well weren't you late for this interview?
JOAN JETT: [laughs] Yeah I guess. Thanks for pointing that out. That's not fair throwing out those trick questions like that. I guess I owe you one now. I hope to see you when we come out to L.A. in the fall. Take care.
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