Joan Jett and The Blackhearts Bad Reputation Nation
All news is attributed to the source from which it was received so that readers may judge the validity of the statements for themselves.

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Ask Joan

...Can you tell us anything about the famous "JOAN JETT Eyelock"...
...How do YOU feel about bootlegs...
...Are you and Kathaleen Hanna considering collaborating on more music...

Dear Joan
Thank you for the opportunity to say what I've been wanting to say for a few years now. I've met you a couple times and as gracious as you are, my tongue swells up and I lose my ability to speak anything but nonsense. Who knows, this could sound like nonsense 95' I had a bad horseback riding accident that left me somewhat incapable of getting around. They finally found the problem late 98' and fixed it but I still had a constant pressure in my head. You came to Rockford, Illinois in Sept 99' for our annual Waterfront weekend and that alone was reason to go downtown. When you got to 'Everyday People' I made my way to the front to take a picture but when I raised the camera you had broke into the riff with Dougie and it was like an explosion in my brain, my ears popped, and all that head pressure was gone! I don't know if it was a single note or what, but it has not come back..I can't prove medical miracle but I have felt if it hadn't of been for that 1 split second I wouldn't be where I am now and that's a very, very good place. So, thank you JOAN JETT for coming to my hometown.

Now my question..How about Bad Reputation Nation T-shirts? or is that a David Snowden question? I guess I don't have any nagging pressing issues. I do agree with Rick, Rick, Rick about the ending your set with 'Don't Surrender' It's an extremely powerful song. Other than that..It's always a pleasure to see you and I hope you do make it back to the Chicago area soon. I wish you and your family a very, very Merry Christmas. Again, thank you.


Dear Kathy,

WOW...that's an amazing story! Well, see, music is healing! I'm sure we'll get to or close to your area this Spring/Summer/Fall.

Keep Rockin Hard!

Hey Joan!

I must first start out by just saying how much of an inspiration you have been to me over the years, and how much your music has helped me through difficult times and rocked my socks off in the best of times! A million thanks of gratitude! I was stoked to find the Q&A section onyour site (just another reminder of how much you truely appreciate your fans, thats one othe things that means the world to a lot of us!) My question is: Are you and Kathaleen Hanna still close nitch? And, are the 2 of you considering collaborating on more music?

I can't wait till your show in KY 2003. Keep Rawkin'!

Hey Kimi,

Glad you like the Q&A section. But I have a question for you first. What is the word, "nitch" mean? If you meant "knit", I think you're asking if we are still close. Yes, I am still friends with Kathleen, and think she's just a wonderfully creative woman. I don't see nearly as much of her as I did when we were working together, writing songs, producing a Bikini Kill song or something like that. But I do bump into her around New York. I know she's been working hard with her band, "Le Tigre". And we are both NY Liberty fans, so I hope to take her to a game or two this season. I got the best seats in the house!

Thanks again and see ya soon!

Hi Joan,

Happy Holidays to you and the whole Blackheart organization!

Here's my questions:
How do YOU feel about bootlegs? Is there a distinction in your mind between trading and selling; between live shows and studio cuts (ex: "Headlock" that is circulating vs. a taped live show from 1982)? What is acceptable (if anything)and what is not?

The lyrics to "Friend 2 Friend"...everyone seems to love the song, but no one seems to "get" it, care to explain?

Up to this point, what has been the high & low point of your career?

Do you like any other genres of music, or are you strictly a rock-n-roll person?


I've had some of my best memories revolve around your music and/or your shows. Thanks for all the pictures and autographs over the years. I'm sure you wonder, "how could they need something ELSE autographed???" but there always seems to be something else 'special' to get signed! ha I just wanted you to know that most people really appreciate the time you take to do those things. I know I do.

Here's looking to 2003 and wishing everyone all the best!


(PS- I would LOVE to see a Pure & Simple song in the set list! - GREAT CD!!!)

Dear Patti, Happy New Year to you too!

Bootlegs.......well, I don't like 'em, mostly. Years ago, certainly in the RUNAWAYS days, if your "live" concert got bootlegged, it was kind of a weird, fucked up status symbol. You were "collectable!" The RUNAWAYS actually had a few I saw, and they didn't really bug me. I don't really feel that way now about "live" bootlegs. Its much more of a money and profit thing now.

As far as bootlegging studio recordings, and the whole Napster vibe, I am amazed at the mentality that finds it OK, almost their birthright, to rip artists off. Unacceptable.

Lyrics to "Friend to Friend".... a song by a band called Lungfish, from Baltimore. The lyricist is a guy named Dan Higgs, and he's also lead singer. I am a big fan, and I would say in most of the songs, the lyrics don't tell stories in the traditional sense. Dan is tapped into the muses. I just sing the song and interpret and groove.

I've had many highs and many lows. I could not rank them. They all blend in to that tapestry that becomes your life. The thing is to appreciate and see the gift, whether that gift is "high" or "low." Appreciate each moment easy to say, much harder to do. Its all about awareness, not to sound too preachy.

I can enjoy most kinds of music, if someone else is listening to something, but for myself and my enjoyment, its Rock 'n' Roll all the way. (Rock 'n' Roll includes Punk!)

Thanks for your questions. see ya soon!

P.S. There is a "Pure and Simple" song in the set as of now.

Hey Joan!!

I want to thank you for coming out to meet my friends and I at the Morristown show ( I was with Sandy who owns the Mustang). It was one of the best week-ends of my life. A ten hour drive to see a JJ show, it was great. I just want to thank you for doing what you do. You and your music have been a great infuence on my life. You have the true rock n roll soul, and it was so great to see you live again. We are all hoping that you will make it to Canada again. We really miss you here. Have a great holiday season!! Rock on!


Dear Lisa,

It was my pleasure to come and say hello! Thanks so much for being such great fans!

I've seen one show so far listed for Canada, but I think its out west farther than you are. you're east. But I'm sure we'll get there eventually.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday as well. Tell your buddies I said "Hey". Thanks for you letter.

Keep Rockin'


Can you tell us anything about the famous "JOAN JETT Eyelock"?

A lot of us long-time fans have noticed - many times - that you often will "lock on" to people's eyes at concerts. And you seem to hold the returning look for a VERY long time - as long as the other person can stand it, it seems. Many of us who have experienced this have found it incredibly memorable.

Performers locking eyes briefly with fans at gigs is not unusual. Elvis reportedly did it. Aretha Franklin will sometimes "stare down" someone. Wilson Pickett is famous for picking people out of the audience and singing directly to them.

But with you, it's much more intense. Most other performers tend to lock onto opposite sex fans. Yours can happen to any of us, male or female, young or old. Parents who have brought children to your gigs have reported their kids being thrilled that you "looked right at them" and sang to them directly. At your last Boston gig on the Boston Common, my wife was stunned and started screaming, "she's staring at me! she's staring at me!" You've done the same thing to me, several times - it's a very disarming experience.

My question: are you aware that you do this? Is this a technique you've developed to connect with audiences, or is it just a kind of natural curiosity on your part, so you look at people directly for so long? Do you actually notice the other person from the stage? Do you pick people out because of odd hats or cool shirts or big smiles?

Do people ever come up to you after performances and tell you that they were the ONE you were staring at - even though you do it so often, to many people, throughout a set?

It's not an easy thing to do. I often have to talk in front of rooms of people, and I can't do it for more than a few seconds or I completely confuse myself.

I suspect your "eyelock" is one of many reasons that people always find your live performances so hypnotic and so unforgettable.

With warm regards,

Dear Teddy,

Cool question! I never really developed an "Eye Plan" for the audience. I am just more comfortable onstage if I am really connected to the audience, and eye contact comes first. I mean, I just realize that for and in my everyday life, and I notice all the time how most people DO NOT make eye contact at all, on the street, in stores, you name it.

Eye contact makes me less nervous. And I am aware that some people realize they are the one being stared at and I see people smile more times than not, and that's great! That's why we are all together listening and playing music. To have fun!

But I have to be careful because sometimes I lock into someone singing the wrong words, and when you lock in, you LOCK IN! I sing those wrong words right with 'em.

Next time you have to talk in front of a room, try this.

Take 5 minutes before you have to start. Go through a mental check (VERY BRIEFLY) of what you will be talking about and give yourself mental affirmations that: you know what you're talking about. You are knowledgeable enough in this area. Make sure you speak clearly and loud enough for the room.

Most important of all. BREATHE!!!!! BREATHE!!!!!BREATHE!!!!! In and out complete and full.

Take your time.

Thanks for your letter!

Hey Joan,

The "Bloom County" cartoon that ran back in the mid 80's had a "Tess Turbo" character that appeared for several strips. It was clearly a parody of you, even quoting some lyrics. As a fan, I thought it was great. Then again, I might feel differently if it was me he was cartooning. I've always wondered if you ever saw it and if so what your impressions were.


Dear Brent,

Yes, I was well aware of Bloom County and 'Tess Turbo', and it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I felt kind of honored. I thought it was pretty cool.

The brilliant cartoonist actually sent me an original drawing of one of the strips.

Thanks for your letter.

Rock on!

Hey Joan!

I just read your answer about being a vegetarian, and I really respect you for that but I would just like to ask you if you care as much about other human beings as much as you seem to care about animals. Like where do you stand on certain issues like child pornogrophy, death penalty, torture in prisons, war, I can go on for ever but i won`t. I really am interested in you thoughts and opinions on this. Like, are you into any charities and what are they, and have been? Anyway, take care and happy holidays from a fan since 25 years.


Dear Catherine,

Of course I care about human beings! If people can't be empathetic about the hideous way we "process" our food in this country, I think it will reflect in all relationships people have with ANY living thing!

I stand against any of your examples of man's inhumanity to man!!

The subjects you asked about were many, and I do have opinions, but the subjects deserve more than a couple of sentence answer. I can't answer that all in this letter. If you truly wanna know my opinion about subjects, stick to one, or two a letter. (on subjects of such substance) these are serious issues, and it is interesting to have these discussions. Thanks for your questions, and break it down and send me another!


I want to say my daughter (15) thinks you are grand. A strong and independent woman, who doesn't have to follow any certain path. My request is that your web site sell size small shirts, because not everyone is a large or extra large. Secondly, it would be nice if you would play somewhere in the Greater Houston, TX area. Keep Rockin'.


Dear Annette,

I'm glad your daughter is a fan! You know, I'm sure we sell baby tee's that say "Bad Girl" on the front. They are small and should work well. It is likely we'll be in your area sometime this year. The dates are being booked as we speak, so we will see.

Rock hard!


This is a wonderful addition to your website! I saw your concert in Atlanta last May--absolutely astounding. Only the Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir affected me as much: trite as it may sound, your concert was a changing point for me. You inspired me to pick up my own guitar and say what is on my mind. I felt so powerful when I left--totally in control of my own creativity and my life in general. I also learned how to scream and still sound sexy. ;)

I have been wondering ever since the show, who is your lead guitarist, and how did he get there? I looked on the Blackheart Record website as well, and couldn't find much information on him.

Thanks for your inspiration to girls like me. "I Hate Myself for Loving You" is the story of my life...I couldn't every say it better. Thanks again, and God bless


Dear Michelle,
Let me say this, your comments about how our show made you feel is NEVER TRITE!!! That is the whole point -- to feel empowered! You got it!

Our lead guitar player's name is Doug. We call him DOUGIE NEEDLES, because of his spiked hair. He has been in the band a little over five years.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me and letting me know that I affected you in that way. It is reassuring.


Hi Joan

Great to see that you are responding to a big demand for up to date info about and from you. I am a long time fan (right from the beginning of The RUNAWAYS), and continue to visit your site regularly to keep up to date with what's going on. My question is , do you think you'll get over here to the UK anytime soon?

I remember seeing you a few times (and meeting you on several occasions!) over here and I always loved the shows (I remember one in Nottingham where it was one of the band's birthdays and some cake got thrown about!, then you played 'Too bad on your birthday') I was also lucky enough to see you at The Roxy in NYC on St Patrick's day, a couple of years ago, and that was a real highlight for me (as i was on holiday at the time!!) I did try to get backstage to meet you after the show, but was told by some bouncer type that you were too tired and had a lot of family and friends with you (probably just as well, as , I was pretty drunk and would have made a fool of myself!)

Anyway Joan, hope you get to release that new record soon and please keep in touch with your fans!

Cheers from the UK

Dear Dave,

I can't say that we will be over to you soon, but I will be looking to get there sometime this year.

The RUNAWAYS had some great shows and great crowds in England. We were also the first ones into Northern Ireland at that time. We had some hard core English fans (maybe you) that would hang around and get autographs.

I remember that birthday gig vaguely, cake flyin' around. but I know I wasn't my b-day.

Thanks for your letter and questions.
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