In this acclaimed six-episode series, go behind the scenes of the 2004 Democratic Primaries with the press secretaries, personal assistants and 'body persons' behind Howard Dean, Joe Lieberman, Wesley Clark, Dennis Kucinich, and John Kerry. For these young campaign workers, life becomes a daily whirlwind of town meetings and celebrity rallies, handshakes and shouting matches, surprising victories and crushing defeats. From the chaos of the Iowa Caucuses to the drama of Super Tuesday, from the truth behind Dean's 'screaming rant' to the triumph of Kerry's clinched nomination, these are the public and private moments that defined one of the most decisive and unforgettable political races in our nation's history. This is the world of STAFFERS.
Featuring appearances from the Democratic hopefuls, including Dennis Kucinich and soon-to-be-vice presidential nominee John Edwards, along with the occasional celebrity, like Janeane Garofolo and Joan Jett (on the stump for Dean).
Runtime: 132 min
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