Joan Jett and The Blackhearts Bad Reputation Nation


Michael Alt is no longer maintaining this discography, it is here for historical reasons only.


Bad Reputation                                                  TP   1980

Epic                      EPC 40-25045         UK

Bad Reputation                                                  TP   1981

Boardwalk                 NB 33251-T           US

I Love Rock-n-Roll                                              TP   1981

Boardwalk                 NBT-33243            US
with Little Drummer Boy

Bad Reputation                                                  TP   1982

Bellaphon - City          4999                 Germany
songs in different order, same cover as West German LP

I Love Rock-n-Roll                                              TP   1982

Bellaphon - City          5000                 Germany
songs in different order

I Love Rock-n-Roll                                              TP   1982

CBS                       KJPK 0293            Korea

I Love Rock-n-Roll                                              TP   1982

Boardwalk                 NBT-33243            US
with Oh Woe Is Me

Album                                                           TP   1983

Epic - Blackheart         40-25414             Holland
black case, bonus track

   Star Star
Album                                                           TP   1983

MCA - Blackheart          MCAC-5445            US
red case, "Album Version Only"

Album                                                           TP   1983

MCA - Blackheart          MCAC-5437            US
black case, bonus track

   Star Star
Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

MCA - Blackheart          MCAC-5476            Canada
Dolby HX Pro

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

Epic                      40-25993             Holland
chrome tape

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

MCA                       MCAC 5476            US
photo cover with black bottom half, contains MCA address & "
   Mfd. by RCA Music Service under license"
   off-white cassette, black printing and no liner notes
Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

MCA                       C33-1229             US
ps - black & white photo, Joan holding a machine gun - Joan
   talks about each song - contains all songs - promo

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

MCA - Blackheart          MCA-5476             US
52nd Street Studio Duplication, plain liner, promo (chrome
   tape, no dolby)

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1984

MCA - Blackheart          MCAC-5476            US
photo cover with brown bottom half, white cassette with blue
   printing and insert has liner notes

Good Music                                                      TP   1986

CBS - Blackheart          BZT 40544            US

Good Music                                                      TP   1986

CBS - Blackheart          40544                US
CBS Studio, NY, plain liner (real time transfer from digital
   master, chrome, no Dolby) promo

Good Music                                                      TP   1987

Liberation                TCLIB 5086           Australia

Good Music                                                      TP   1987

Polydor                   833 078-4            Germany
red band below cover photo

Up Your Alley                                                   TP   1988

Liberation                TCLIB 5150           Australia

Up Your Alley                                                   TP   1988

Musicals                  MSC 826              Singapore

Up Your Alley                                                   TP   1988

CBS - Blackheart          FZT 44146            US

The Hit List                                                    TP   1990

Polygram                  2331                 China

The Hit List                                                    TP   1990

Michael                   1857                 Singapore

The Hit List                                                    TP   1990

CBS - Blackheart          45473                US
(Excellent Audio real time transfer from digital audio
   master, type II, no Dolby) promo

The Hit List                                                    TP   1990

CBS - Blackheart          ZT 45473             US

Album                                                           TP   1992

Bellaphon - Blackheart    450.07.195           Germany

Bad Reputation                                                  TP   1992

Bellaphon - Blackheart    450.07.189           Germany
reissue, same cover and song order as German LP

Glorious Results Of A Misspent Youth                            TP   1992

Bellaphon - Blackheart    450.07.194           Germany

I Love Rock-n-Roll                                              TP   1992

Bellaphon - Blackheart    450.07.188           Germany

Notorious                                                       TP   1992

Bellaphon - Blackheart    460.07.168           Germany

Notorious                                                       TP   1992

Polydor                   511 724-4            Hong Komg

Flashback                                                       TP   1993

Ltd.                      MT 023               Singapore
only 17 songs included

Flashback                                                       TP   1993

Blackheart                BH 438               US
Joan & Kenny comment about each track on insert

   bonus track: Right Til The End
Pure And Simple                                                 TP   1994

-----                     3399                 Singapore

Pure And Simple                                                 TP   1994

Warner Brothers           4-45567              US
sticker "This has a bonus track that ain't on the CD!" Song
   order is different than the CD.
   bonus track - Hostility (side 2 between Insecure & Consumed)
Good Music b/w Good Music                                       TPS  1986

CBS                       40544                US

I Hate Myself For Loving You b/w Love Is Pain (live)            TPS  1988

CBS - Blackheart          ZST 07919            US

Little Liar b/w What Can I Do For You                           TPS  1988

CBS - Blackheart          ZST 08095            US

Dirty Deeds b/w Let It Bleed                                    TPS  1990

CBS - Blackheart          ZST 73215            US

Dirty Deeds b/w Pretty Vacant                                   TPS  1990

-----                     -----                Australia
hard case

Dirty Deeds b/w Pretty Vacant                                   TPS  1990

Chrysalis                 CHSMC 3518           UK

Love Hurts (Special Hit Radio Version) b/w Handyman             TPS  1990

Epic - Blackheart         ZST 73314            US

Love Hurts b/w Up From The Skies                                TPS  1990

-----                     -----                Australia

Love Hurts b/w Up From The Skies                                TPS  1990

Chrysalis                 CHSMC 3546           UK

Don't Surrender (The Most Excellent Mix) / Don't Surrender      TPS  1991
   (LP edit) b/w Misunderstood
Epic Assoc. / Blackheart  35T74067             US

Don't Surrender (triple play)                                   TPS  1991

Epic                      ZAT4261              US
Promo - Title insert (Green with black letters or black with
   white letters) - Blackhearts not credited
   includes message from Joan at beginning of tape
Machismo b/w Machismo                                           TPS  1991

Epic                      ZAT4205              US
promo - no insert

As I Am (edit) b/w Torture (edit)                               TPS  1994

Warner Brothers           4-18040              US
ps - same as album cover, Torture is listed as an edit but
   has the same running time as the album version and sounds
   the same to me
I Love Rock & Roll b/w Activity Grrrl                           TPS  1994

Reprise                   4-18245              US
ps - Wayne & Garth of "Wayne's World", photo of Joan
   standing on back of sleeve, original version of Activity

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